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Kettlebell Clean and Jerk


1. Start with feet shoulder-width apart, toes slightly pointed out, and the kettlebell on the ground between the feet.

2. Hinge at the hips and bend the knees to grip the kettlebell handle with one hand.

3. Drive through the heels to stand up, keeping the arms straight, core tight, and the kettlebell close to the body.

4. As the kettlebell reaches chest height, rotate the wrist and elbow outward to catch the kettlebell in the rack position.

5. Dip the knees slightly and explosively extend the hips, pressing the kettlebell up overhead.

6. Lock out the arms and press the kettlebell overhead.

7. Lower the kettlebell back to chest height, then to hip height, keeping the kettlebell between the legs. Use momentum to initiate the next clean.

8. Repeat for the desired number of repetitions. Switch sides if desired.